But even in this nominal shallow end, ingenious beatdown specialists are already combining disparate characters and their signature movies into elaborate punishments. For those rightly intimidated by online play, there is a dedicated and so far seemingly robust Beginners League to help players begin their ascent from 15th to 1st rank. The wacky story mode is a welcome short-term diversion but Infinite really comes to life in the wild. If Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom rejoiced in the eccentricities and mismatches of its sprawling roster, Infinite seems to want to turn everyone into an all-rounder. The new infinity stone mechanic – with six selectable cosmic gems adding additional special moves – means any character can be specced with a dash, a fireball or a paralysing throw. While this pivot toward accessibility does not automatically mean a lack of depth, it does inevitably flatten out Ultimate’s personality. Mastering this simple repertoire means new players can select any character confident they can at least pull off the basics.

Batter the light-punch button and you automatically unleash an eight-hit combo, while one straightforward button-press triggers a hyper combo across the entire roster. Infinite folds this training-wheels approach into the game proper. Previous Marvel vs Capcom games featured an easy input mode so beginners could leapfrog ahead to spectacular special moves and finishers without having to memorise every quarter-turn and double-button press. Pair him with Spider-Man and he tags his partner in with a cute callback to Captain America: Civil War (“Underoos!”) Rising stars the Guardians of the Galaxy are emphatically in – Gamora is a lithe, lethal multi-weapon specialist while Rocket Raccoon can request thumping help from Groot – while X-Men and Fantastic Four-related characters, their IP currently licensed by rival studios, are demonstrably out.

The revised Marvel roster mirrors the priorities of its cinematic universe, so the Infinite incarnation of Iron Man is now blatantly modelled on Robert Downey Jr’s smart-alecky show-off. The pool of 30 playable characters from which you select your two-person team resembles a rubbery, wipe-clean action figure line.

The third game’s inky art style of thick black outlines has been replaced with more of a Toys R Us aesthetic. In the Saturday morning cartoon-worthy story mode, the combined villain Ultron Sigma has also unleashed a cyborg virus to assimilate all organic life, forcing Captain America, Mega Man X, Chun-Li and a dolly mixture of other pugilistic heroes to fight a desperate rearguard action. Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Photograph: capcom